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In every one of us is the ability to perceive, the ability to comprehend and understand beyond what is white and black, past the plain truths and into the haze.

The only question is: will you utilize it?

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing. Saturday, July 22, 2006 |

Still nothing from HQ.

My life has been boring. Nothing to do today, which makes me anxious. There are tracks in the carpet from where I've paced my apartment, checking back every once-in-a-while to eyeball my G-Mail account.

I glanced around the web for a new guitar today. My old one is okay, but I bought it second-hand and a couple of years of heavy playing has dented it, knocked out strap-pegs, made a small warp in the fretboard.. it's a mess. It's a good guitar when it's brand new, but I'd say it's depreciated about 70%.

I've always kind of had a hankering for Les Paul's. Gorgeous make, beautiful form, rich sound. Prestigious name, too. Epiphone sells Les Paul's for pretty low prices, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to afford it. Maybe I can find a payment plan or something.

Oh, but if only I could have you.. -drools-

Nothing left to do but wait. And wait. And wait.

Personality Disorders Thursday, July 20, 2006 |

Well, Elhorranna took it, Jason took it, and now I took it. Just for fun.


I'm a mutli-personalitied, anxious attention hog?


You can take it here.

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing! Wednesday, July 19, 2006 |

Dear Applicant Eli,

Thank you for your interest in Neurocam International.

Your application has been forwarded to a designated regional director within the Human Resources Security Division so that our organization can further evaluate your suitability for recruitment.

In the interest of facilitating an expedient assessment, the Human Resources Security Division is currently implementing a series of background checks. We apologize in advance for the potentially intrusive nature of these checks and assure you that Neurocam International only undertakes this course of action in the
interest of protecting our propriety operational procedures. Any information gathered from this historical evaluation will be treated as strictly confidential.

If your application passes successfully through this stage of the application process, you will be contacted again soon.

An unsuccessful application will result in the cessation of all further correspondence between Neurocam and yourself.

Neurocam appreciates that, in 87.1% of instances, new applicants experience a desire to enquire about many issues which may further enlighten them as to the true nature of Neurocam. Due to the need to maintain a high level of operational security, Neurocam is unable to provide much of the information desired by entry level participants.

We can, however, inform you of the following: Neurocam is a process which you are already part of.

Having said this, if you do have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. I, or one of our Enquiries Officers, will endeavor to answer as many of your enquiries as Neurocam's Organizational Security Guidelines allow.

Thank you once again for expressing interest in Neurocam. I hope that your application will be successful and that I will soon have the pleasure of working with you.

Warm regards,
Brett Aquinas
Director of Inductions


Work has been hell, but I finally visited the IRC Forums and had a nice little chat with Elhorranna. A little excerpt..

Elhorranna: Bel's goal on Neuroboards is to always have the last replier on all main boards be his name.. it's kind of silly really.. but since no one else is posting.. why not.. have a ball man.
Elhorranna: just like you work with 'technology aquisitions'
Elhorranna: and play around with the arts.
Elhorranna: NCI attracts alot of the Techie artistic types. Those inquisitive enough to find value in all sorts of facets of life.
Eli: I feel on my toes when you talk.. trying to pick out hidden meanings.
Elhorranna: feel like nerves in your body, or feel... like picking and suckling?
Elhorranna: that's kind of weird.. but OK.

She's a funny one.

Now, to reply to Jason's e-mail and hit the hay.

The Neuroboards: Now With 65% More Bullshit! Tuesday, July 18, 2006 |

So I signed up for the Neuroboards today, made two posts, and don't believe I'll be returning. Hence why I didn't link to them.

I've been monitoring the Neuroboards for about a month now. They're pretty bulky, and reading them takes time, especially with the play in full production mode. They were good in the mid-Phase One era, but now they've turned into a pile of spam and dillusions.

TITAN Agents? Hah.

Snooper and Blabber? Pfft.

Black Magick? Operation Voudon? Blah, blah, blah.

Any of you fellow Phase Two operatives, I can only give you this advice: Take everything you are told with a grain of salt. Figure things out for yourself. Make your own conclusions. Use proper judgement. Don't let yourself be spoonfed bullshit.

Still recieved nothing from NCI, but according to Mr. Tremonti, that's to be expected.

I hate it when I procrastinate. Better get to that chunk of script I don't have down.


The Waiting Game |

So it's been four days since I sent my application in.

Still recieved nothing.

Neurocam has drawn me in. I can feel it's tendrils creeping around my body, tieing me up, anxious to pull the string and suck me in for good. I've noticed my sleeping habits change, much to the dismay of my boss at CompUSA.


1. Burn down CompUSA.
2. Have sex with Liv Tyler.

Late nights invariably lead to researching Neurocam. I've probably absorbed three years of information in the last four nights. I've read through the entiriety of Graham Henstock's blog, the UnFiction Thread, the disorganized, unconclusive WikiPedia entry, tried to make sense of Xade's blog.. I could go on. I've also apparently met a fellow operative, and this one seems to be active and already in the NCI loop.

I've sent an e-mail his way. Let's see if I could get an affiliate in this mystery.

Nothing left to do but smoke a cigarette and wait for that Inbox to fill up. The anticipation is killing me.

Eight o' clock comes early.

Friday, July 14, 2006 |

Neurocam, Neurocam, Neurocam.

The topic of discussion on ARG sites, internet phenomena forums, chat rooms, news agencies. It's illusive, secretive. It poses as a dark, black void of information, secrets. Yet no one can quite get to the center of it all, gracing only the edge.

I am to grace more than just the edge.

1. Name, date of birth and preferred operative name

Eli Langship, 12.25.80, Operative Eli

2. Preferred email address if different from sender address


3. City, nearest major metropolitan area, and country of residence

Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA

4. First language and secondary languages

My first language is English, but I know a little Spanish.

5. Current occupation

A majority of my time I act at a small playhouse as an actor, but I get most of my money from a job at CompUSA.

6. What do you think Neurocam is?

I think that Neurocam is whatever you want it to be. Neurocam is shapeless, formless. It's not tied to one person, not that you could pin anyone down, if you wanted. It's illusive, mysterious. It is exactly what you expect, yet nothing you could ever imagine.

7. How did you hear about Neurocam?

I read about Neurocam via the Neurocam article on Wikipedia, and further researched it on several webforums.

8. Include details on what you have to offer Neurocam International (minimum 250 words)

It's difficult to tell what I have to offer Neurocam when I do not know what Neurocam requires. However, since I do have many good qualities and skills, I'll go ahead and list them off. I'm a good actor, which I'm sure could be useful in certain occasions. I can very quickly create a character from scratch in my head, from body language down to accents and personality. I'm also a very persuasive liar, like most people in Los Angeles are.

I am very skilled musically. I play both the piano and guitar, though I've played the piano longer than I have the guitar. I am very accomplished at both, but not near as good as the greats in rock history. I am well knowledged in rock culture as well. I consider myself gifted creative-wise. I am also a good writer, though I haven't put any serious thought into becoming published.

I am dependable, and quite hard-headed, so usually if I'm asked to do something, it gets done. I'm also very anal when it comes to the details. Altogether I consider myself honest, hardworking, and trustworthy.

9. Do you instinctively turn right or left?

Not that I've really ever thought about it, but I suppose right.