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In every one of us is the ability to perceive, the ability to comprehend and understand beyond what is white and black, past the plain truths and into the haze.

The only question is: will you utilize it?

The Neuroboards: Now With 65% More Bullshit!

So I signed up for the Neuroboards today, made two posts, and don't believe I'll be returning. Hence why I didn't link to them.

I've been monitoring the Neuroboards for about a month now. They're pretty bulky, and reading them takes time, especially with the play in full production mode. They were good in the mid-Phase One era, but now they've turned into a pile of spam and dillusions.

TITAN Agents? Hah.

Snooper and Blabber? Pfft.

Black Magick? Operation Voudon? Blah, blah, blah.

Any of you fellow Phase Two operatives, I can only give you this advice: Take everything you are told with a grain of salt. Figure things out for yourself. Make your own conclusions. Use proper judgement. Don't let yourself be spoonfed bullshit.

Still recieved nothing from NCI, but according to Mr. Tremonti, that's to be expected.

I hate it when I procrastinate. Better get to that chunk of script I don't have down.


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